A lot of us are keen on making money, that’s like the only focus. We want to be involved in something, something that will definitely fetch us the bag. This is great, but the problem is that, we have failed to realize that investing in our personal growth is wealth positioning. There are knowledge and certain mindsets that position us well to receive the financial freedom we want.
This was definitely me some time ago, I was so focused on making money, that was the major interest. I saw my friends post on how they made their millions and I wanted mine too. I ventured into so many things just so I could make money, even when I had no interest at all in what I was doing. Did I make the money I wanted? Certainly not! not even a cent.
Here’s what personal growth does for you – it helps you attain a level of self awareness. You master yourself and this helps you decide what deserves your energy and time. You then focus on what’s most important instead of wandering and putting your eyes on everything.
It will also help you x-ray your confident level, which will help you determine where your inactions stem from and what exactly is inhibiting your progress.
The question then is – how do you invest in your personal growth?
the first step to improving yourself is
- be honest with yourself about your flaws; do you lack confidence? Do you care so much about other people’s opinion that you would rather not take actions? Are you afraid of failing, do you lack knowledge and the skill to venture into what you want to do? You must first identify your problem before you can be able to know the best approach to solving them.
- the second stage is working to improve on your flaws: identifying them makes it easier to improve on them.
If you lack self confidence, then work on it. You can do this by identifying those things that make you less confident. There are certainly things that make you feel intimated, shamed thereby affecting your confidence, work on those things and improve in them. Example, if you feel you don’t speak good English or your native language and that’s affecting your confidence, then start learning English or that language you want.
If you know you lack knowledge and skill, then read books to improve your knowledge, attend seminars, workshops and even free online courses to boost your knowledge and skill set.
Face your fears; fear has the capacity to stunt your growth. It is therefore, important you eliminate it. Understand that it is part of life, you will always be sceptical or afraid of taking certain steps especially life changing ones but you must be willing to face it by doing that which you want to do otherwise your life would remain complacent. Just do it scared, do it imperfect, those are days of practicing and preparation to be better in what you do.
Personal growth is like a time for self discovery and improvement and each day presents us a fresh opportunity to learn and become better. Growth is a process, growth is unending!
Nice one. Rightly written. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Ma for this