Most of our actions start from the mind, we must have first conceived the idea before any other action takes place. This is the reason it’s important to fuel your mind with positive thoughts at all times because the mind holds so much power over our lives.
What we think of ourselves is exactly what we see even when that’s not true of us. For instance, if you see yourself as a failure, you will never believe you will succeed at anything you do, even when others see that you are skilled at that thing. if you see yourself as ugly, that will never change even when others validate your beauty.
Half of your success at anything starts from the mind, if you already envisage failure at whatever you are doing; believe me, you would hardly achieve that thing, because at the slightest challenge or problem, your spirit become dampen and your joy & dedication towards that task dwindles to zero. Your mind would of course be there, to remind you of what you have always fed it, which are negative thoughts; how you should give up because you just can never get it right.
That is how tricky the mind can be, it’s always working and giving you ideas in every situation, always ready to produce to you what you have always fed it with, whether negative or positive thoughts.
Having a positive mindset is very vital in Life, it brings you positive energy that spurs you into action. You carry on with your daily activities in joy and dedication. You see life as a win-win situation, you either get that which you want at that moment or you learn something new and great which prepares you better for the future. You have the right attitude towards life, you don’t let set backs affect your life. you allow yourself feel your emotions whether disappointment or sadness but never allow it define your worth.
I understand that being positive can be a herculean task, especially amidst trials and failures but you must learn not to allow one failure or setback define your being. Failure or rejection over a particular thing is not failure in life. Teach yourself to see the brighter sides of life at all times, teach yourself to always keep hope alive!
Very educative Ma, More grace