There’s a certain age and time you will reach and all you think and want is to record some sort of achievement especially when you look around and see you mates doing so well for themselves. The hunger and pressure becomes much at this point. You simply know you want to record your own success.
It is this period that a lot of things can happen to you. You might venture into something you have no interest in, you might lose focus on your academics or whatever you were doing simply because you are desperate to be seen as successful. Some delve into whatever their friends are into without reflection on what they really want nor do they take time to deep learn that craft. There are simply in a hurry and all they want is success. It is therefore important to decipher between simply being busy and pursuit for success.
When you are simply doing things for the sake of it; there’s no passion, no thoroughness, no learning or researching to improve, no urge to continue once you encounter any hurdle, no patience, you are less motivated and overly desperate to be done with the work already . Then just know that you are simply busy, expending you time and energy over nothing and the truth is that you would hardly record any success because success requires intentionality in whatever you are doing.
It is a great thing to want success, a beautiful thing to involve yourself in things to better your life but its important you make sure you are pursuing success and not just being busy. When you are pursuing success, you immerse yourself fully, your passion and energy is high and you just don’t give up in the face of challenges.
Take time to reflect on your life, define what success is to you and then work towards it. In whatever you choose to do, there must be interest and passion, there are what propels you to action.